Well,eat-crow I didn’t expect to be writing this post.  I was as surprised by what happened on Tuesday night (OK, early Wednesday morning) as anybody.  It brings to mind an old Happy Days episode where Fonzi just couldn’t bring himself to say that he was wrong.  He’d say, ‘I was wrrr…wr….wr…wr…’ but he just couldn’t say it.  I will:  I WAS WRONG!

I did not think that Donald J. Trump could be elected president.  His verbal blunders, the left-wing media onslaught, the well-organized and well-funded Democrat party machine, the huge increase in minorities, the outlandish promises (sorry, my previous posts are no longer available, PM me for more info), etc.  But he won.

I really thought that just the Hispanic vote would kill him.  But it appears that a good percentage of Hispanics voted for him.  More so than voted for Romney.  Many more blacks voted for him than voted for Romney!  Only 1% more whites voted for Donald Trump than for Mitt Romney.  MINORITIES elected Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.  Minorities!  The NY Times exit poll numbers show that.  Hard to believe.

I usually don’t like being wrong but in this case, I’m enjoying the heck out of it.  This crow actually tastes pretty good!  But with the election over, I guess I’ll have to find something else to blog about.  This one sure was fun!